Losing heart is debilitating. We can suffer emotionally, psychologically, spiritually, relationally, and physically, without even a vague awareness of the origin of our pain.
Symptoms of a lost heart will manifest themselves in confusing ways in our closest, most intimate relationships. Repeating patterns of anger, frustration, resentment, shame, and fear don't just take a personal toll, but also prevent us from creating and maintaining the kinds of authentic, secure connections with others which serve to fulfill and bring a deep and necessary sense of belonging to our lives.
I have experienced the truth that the disconnect from others correlates directly to the disconnect from myself. When the heart is lost, the ability to cultivate meaningful, sustainable bonds goes with it....
Reclaiming and restoring our TRUE HEARTS is the work that makes possible the deeply loving and satisfying relationships with ourselves and others.
Are you in pain because you don't know where your TRUE HEART is?
If the work of reclaiming your TRUE HEART resonates with you and you'd like to pursue one-on-one coaching sessions to help you explore further, I'd consider it an honor to hold a safe space and accompany you on your path to reclamation and restoration!
Please feel free contact me below with any questions and I'll typically reply within the next 24 hours.
I look forward to the journey with you! xxB